Snowboard Boots
Just as no two pearls are exactly the same, no two smelly, sweaty feet are quite alike. So why try and buy a generic boot for your specific foot? We strongly recommend you have a professional fitting by a trained boot technician in store. Boot fittings can take up to 2 hours to ensure we have optimally paired your foot with the corresponding boots and made all the necessary adjustments. We do not recommend any online purchase for boots. Therefore at this stage we are not currently offering snowboard boots for online sale.
But don’t go just yet… hear us out first. Boots that are correctly fitted to your foot are more comfortable, more supportive and more responsive to your movements. They help increase circulation to these distal areas, which in turn keeps your feet toasty warm and provide you with superior control over your equipment. This results in a safer, performance oriented on snow experience.
At Time2Ride we pride ourselves on our boot fitting knowledge and experience, that’s why we have been working hard to develop a BOOT FIT SATISFACTION GUARANTEE* for our customers. Purchase any current season boot in store and we will tailor a custom fit specifically for your foot (including heat moulding and additional adjustments) until you are satisfied.
Don’t leave boots to chance, shop with certainty because everyone knows that happy feet = happy shredding and will leave you with more stories about the epic snow you scored rather than complaints of blisters and bunyons!
*Subject to Terms & Conditions